
Showing posts from January, 2021

An Introduction to Chess Sets

Family Articles | August 29, 2005 Chess is a popular board game across the world.  While many people are content to play chess on a regular board with plastic pieces, many players who truly love the game take pride in their uniqu... There are many different kinds of chess sets to accommodate all chess players.  Chess sets are made out of many different materials such as glass, ivory, marble, and wood.  Some chess sets are especially small or have magnetic pieces, perfect for taking on trips and playing while traveling.  People have been playing chess for many centuries.  No one knows for sure where or when it originated, but it is known that people in Persia, India, and China played chess in the Middle Ages.  The game spread to the Middle East next, then to Spain and the rest of Europe.  It is very likely that the game pieces were altered once the game spread through Europe to take on the forms that they currently have.    The different pieces in a chess set each represent parts of med

Learn Three Basic Steps To Win At Chess

Hobbies Articles | September 23, 2009 Learn the three things that are fundamental to winning at chess. Knowing the power of your chess pieces will help you control the chess board. If you don�t get these elements, nothing else matters. These chess tips are more about understanding the game of chess and developing a firm position than about finding the best move. A good rule of thumb is to move your chess pieces to control the center of the chess board. This rule branches off into two parts: Control the center and Develop your piece. It is pretty well known that it is important to control the center of the chess board, but not many people know why it is so important. The explanation to the importance of controlling the center area of the chess board is that this best allows you to move your trivial pieces while at the same time taking that very ability away from your opponent�s pieces. It is all about who controls mobility of your chess pieces and your opponent�s pieces. The foundation

The Versatility of Magnetic Chess Sets

Hobbies Articles | November 30, 2009 Almost everybody is able to play chess, but being good at it is another story. Nobody became good at chess overnight. However, Rome wasn�t made in one day. Almost everybody is able to play chess, but being good at it is another story. Nobody became great at chess overnight. However, Rome wasn�t made in one day. There are a few things that great chess players have in common. Besides getting familiar with the capacity of all the chess pieces, you need a lot of practice and experience to become a better chess player. This is the reason why magnetic chess sets are great because they allow you to play anyplace at any time. Magnetic fields, created by small magnets inside the bottom of chess pieces and a thin metal sheet under the board, are used to keep the chess pieces in place, allowing you to play while riding in any moving vehicle, like a car or plane. On the other hand, it is sometimes good to analyze some chess games. You should make time to analyz

Chess Sets The Upsides And Downsides Of Going Electronic

Hobbies Articles | December 17, 2010 Chess is a board game that has been around for more than 1500 years. Within such time span, chess rose and plummeted in the popularity list. The game garnered a huge following in the 1970s - thanks to Bobby Fischer. Fischer sported a jovial personality that complemented his superb chess playing prowess. Chess is a board game that has lived on for more than 1500 years. Within a span of time, chess soared and plummeted in the popularity list. The last time it was wildly popular was in the 1970's when one of the most superb chess players in the world was Bobby Fischer. It wasn�t merely Fischer�s skills that caught attention; it was his personality as well. Without Fischer, chess slipped in popularity. Today, chess is back. More and more people are beginning to take an interest in the game of chess. Chess sets of the decade have become noticeably vogue and attractive. But perhaps the main factor in restoring chess's lost claim to fame is the ele

The Differences In Chess Sets and Boards

Hobbies Articles | November 22, 2009 Chess is a very famous game played by two players on a specifically designed chessboard. The chess we are familiar with was developed in south Europe in the fifteenth century. Chess has been around for quite a while and is quite popular these days. The chess we are familiar with was developed in south Europe in the fifteenth century. The European chess evolved from a corresponding but much older Indian game. The game of chess is being played globally in tournaments, at home, in clubs and online. People get closer together because of the game, especially when they try to teach others how to play. Today you can find many different kinds of chess sets and board, even though they all have the same basics. A normal chess board is divided into 64 squares colored in black and white and appointed in an eight by eight grid. Depending on what you are looking for, chess sets and boards can be found in many different sizes and variations. A folding chess set, f

Wooden Chess Sets Traditional and Natural

Hobbies Articles | September 11, 2009 Wooden chess sets have been in use for�decades and they are still very popular and widely used today. They not only cost less and stand the test of time but they also represent the indispensable history of chess. Wood is one of the most useful materials found on the planet. It is sturdy, easy to transform into different things and is used as one of the primary building materials. One of the most common uses for wood is in construction. However, wood also has a myriad of other uses. For centuries, people have been using wood to craft different objects like, toys, furniture, and even board games. In fact, some of the best chessboards and chess pieces in the world are made of wood. A lot of effort goes into the construction of each board and much more into the carving of the individual pieces. In both cases, the boards and pieces are handmade by skilled craftsmen, located in many different parts of the world. For the people who use wooden chess sets,

Getting To Know And Understand Your Chess Pieces

Hobbies Articles | November 30, 2009 Chess is a very simple game to play. If you desire to win games however, you should practice a lot and learn from your games. In some ways, chess is similar to life, not because life is like a game, but because one small choice on your part can impact the entire outcome of the match. Chess is a very simple game to play. However, winning a game requires a lot of practice and critical analysis. You might say that chess is a lot like life, one minor decision can influence your entire life. One mistake can mean a loss in the game, as seen in some big professional tournaments. Others even say that the entire outcome of the game is set during the players� opening moves. Many outcomes in life are similarly set in motion at the beginning stages. You can most likely understand why professional players spend loads of time to develop their chess strategies. To develop such advanced skills, they surely should have a grandmaster�s knowledge about the chess piece

Improve Your Chess Games with Chess Tricks And Traps

Hobbies Articles | September 28, 2009 If you want to improve your chess game, learn the basics first.� But once you get the basics, don�t stop there.� Move on to learning some chess tricks and traps. Everyone who plays chess wants to get better at it, and usually, if you are new to chess or just a weaker player, then there is one specific person whom you wish to beat. However, each time you play that person you end up losing, always falling for this or that trap or making a bad move. You fail to see when it is that you are vulnerable and you can�t seem to capitalize on your opponent�s mistakes either. � Once you establish a good base strategy, you need to learn how to recognize dangerous situations and potentially advantageous moves. You need to learn how to take advantage of your opponent while not succumbing to him. Below I list a number of traps that you can lay in chess. Use them yourself, and try to recognize them as your opponent uses them. The Fried Liver Attack is a classic tha

Don Not Play A Boring Chess Game Use A Marble Chess Set

Hobbies Articles | November 26, 2009 Chess is a popular and fun game for many people with good amounts of action, while for others it seems to be a complicated endeavor. You will always find the same pieces in a chess set, unless of course you misplaced some pieces. Chess is by some considered to be a complicated game while those who know how to play it find it exciting and fun. The pieces in the chess set are always the same. Chess sets consist of a chess board and two sets of chess pieces which are a queen and king, two knights, two bishops, two towers and 8 pawns. In most cases the pieces are black and white and the chessboards have white and black squares. These standard chess sets were used for centuries. But this doesn�t mean that your chess set should look the same as others. A chess set doesn�t have to have the traditional layout. Nowadays you can find many variations of the traditional chess sets. Chess sets are regularly made from wood while there are some that are made from